Photo Gallery

CHFCo. Engine 14-3 covers Goodwill Fire Co. - Station #18

Monday, August 11, 2014
Engine 14-3 stands at the ready, during a "Cover-Up" at the Goodwill FC (Station-18) while the members of the GWFC operated at a Multi-Alarm Fire in the Delaware City FC (Station-15) Local. (Hitchens)

CHFCo. Engine 14-3 covers Townsend Fire Co. - Station #26

Saturday, August 9, 2014
Engine 14-3 stands at the ready, during a "Cover-Up" at the Townsend FC (Station-26). CHFCo. was requested, while the Members of the Townsend FC were enjoying their Annual Company Picnic. Thank You to all who participated. (D.R. Hitchens)

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